
Inspired by Sweet Amaya

First I want to thank my Sweet Heavenly Father for His Ever Unfailing Love over my life.  He has been by my side from before I was born.  He has written my story for me to have had the joy to unravel and reflect on when I wasn’t aware of His presence.  He has walked me through all of my brokenness and continues to break pieces of me and molds them into such beauty for I couldn’t do it alone. Believe me I have tried.
God gifted Ben and I with a Sweetly Beautiful Daughter named Amaya, meaning night rain.  Amaya was born on October 28, 2011.  Amaya is sweetly beautiful, peaceful, breathtaking, courageous, determined, a heart of innocence, mostly always smiling.  A sweet joy she is. 

As I have witnessed Amaya’s growth each day she has an eye of new discoveries.  When Amaya see’s something new;  you can see the Awe in her eyes.    She startles to the unknown only to embrace the unknown in one breath.  Her focus and attention is so absorbent like a sponge.  When Amaya discovers a new way to do things it’s a sweet victory that she is covered in.  At times she gets frustrated because what she had her heart set on; her body was not ready, she is patient.  She works through her frustration without fail, she discovers in her own way how to achieve her heart’s desire. She’s determined.  She doesn’t give up; she tries harder.
 I look at the words I have written above and then have read them aloud and I see God clothing her as His child!!! He is wrapping her in His Truth before she can even whisper and say His name aloud.  Though I know she hears His Sweet Voice, so tenderly speaking to her  guiding and encouraging her daily.
God has opened my eyes to so much Truth as I watch Amaya grow.  Amaya has inspired me to be opened to new discoveries, to challenge myself within and even on the outside, to focus and to be attentive to my surroundings, to be adventurous, to have the determination when it may be frustrating and I feel as though I want to give up, to have victory, and to achieve my heart’s desire.

Amaya has also inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle than I once did and so that I could give to her what she has inspired me to do. 
There are days that I have wanted to give up on the  goals that I have set for myself; however I am inspired to never give up and to always get back up when I fall, to never doubt myself, and to be positive of one’s thoughts. 

I know we as parents think that we are to be the teachers but it is our children that are to teach us at times to help us reflect on what matter which are the relationships that we make as a family, as individuals and as a community.

Thank you Sweet Heavenly Father for showing me how you love us and how so sweet you speak to us and encourage us!!!

Sweet Sweet Smiles ;>)

My 24 Day Challange on AdvoCare

It all began when I was being showered for our Sweet Amaya, hosted at my Aunt Pat’s house.  My Aunt Janie was present and was looking absolutely fabulous and wanted to know what her secret was.  Was it working out, eating differently, what was she doing? 
So I found out that she started the 24 Day Challenge from AdvoCare. 
Amaya was born on October 28, 2011
Pre-pregnancy my beginning weight was about 160ish and Post pregnancy I weighed in about 193 lbs. at my 6 week check.  I lost myself after having Amaya I continued to eat as if I were still pregnant my daily diet consisted of Monday through Thursday before work I would go and get Bojangles and would order a sausage Biscuit, 1 Egg & Bacon Biscuit with a Large Dr. Pepper. Lunch I would either have McDonalds (Large Soda with Large Fry Combo Meal, Wendy’s (2 orders of the 5 piece spicy chicken nuggets, large fry, a large Dr. Pepper  or even Subway (Footlong Spicy Italian, Lay’s Original Chips, Large Drink. For Dinner anywhere from Pizza, Pasta, Garlic Bread with lots of cheese.  I may have drank a glass of water a week maybe, but for the most part it was Soda.  Those who don’t know me well or have not gone out to eat with me, have never witnessed how I would eat, I would add salt to every single bite, I am not kidding at all.  Snacks would consist of lays original chips, pepperoni and crackers, bbq chips, tortilla chips with cheese dip, popcorn, and the list could go on.  I was truly a salt craver and it was my weakness. 
So this is leading up to how I began to feel about me and what I saw when I looked in the mirror.  Though I have an Amazing and a Husband who always showers me with words of affirmation; he saw and sees me as beautiful and would always tell me so.  But this went in one ear and out the other because what I was seeing and feeling within was so untrue.  Those lies they can do so much hurt to one’s inner thoughts, their cruel.

I began to realize that I needed to make a change for me, my marriage, and for Amaya.  Me I wanted to be a healthier woman with more energy a positive outlook, an encourager again. I say an encourager again because I realized that I stopped doing that because how could I encourage someone when I couldn’t listen to my own words that I voiced.  For my marriage I realized that even though Ben would shower me with words of affirmation I didn’t believe it and would respond back with yeah-yeah. I then came to a realization if I continued this way he may stop telling me all together because when he tells me “You Are Beautiful Heather” he is giving me more of his heart and I am just throwing it away. This is the last thing that I want to do.  For Amaya I see her innocents where she doesn’t know any other way of food intake and healthy foods to eat not healthy foods to eat unless she sees what we are eating.  

It all became clear after Ben and I were talking about when we were growing up that our diets were so much different than what we were consuming on a day to day basis.  We both stated that we didn’t want her to eat the way we were currently eating.
All these things were the driving point for me to get in contact with my Aunt Janie regarding AdvoCare she did mention to me that the products may be pricey but worth every penny.  I wanted to give it a try I signed on a 24 Day Challenge- which included the 10 Day Cleanse, 14 Days of MNS C, Vanilla Shake, Spark Energy Drink and added Catalyst and ThermoPlus and CarbeasePlus to my order, On March 21, 2012.  As I said before post-pregnancy at my 6 week check I weighed in at 193 lbs., but with the way I was eating I could of put on more weight by March 21st. 
I read up on all the to do’s and not to do’s while doing Phase 1 and Phase 2.  At first I was hesitant but was willing to give it a go. 

This is what the 24 Days looked Like for me:

During the Cleanse Days 1-10
Followed the directions of how to do the Cleanse and also my Aunt Janie, Jamie and Lori

No Sodas, Salt, Breads, Starches, Sweets (Completely did without these)
Lots and Lots of Water!!!!!

I ate Tuna, Salmon and Tilapia, chicken occasionally with avocados (not all at the same time but for different meals), green, red, yellow and orange peppers. Zucchini, broccoli (yes I said broccoli I never have eaten it before this, I roasted it with garlic, which is so easy to make), spinach and eggs.
 I used salt-free herbs, lemon juice, spray olive oil, spices, and herbs.

Fruits for when I had a sweet tooth such as pears, apples, grapes and other fruits.
Dry Roasted Almonds (unsalted which I found them at Trader Joe’s)

During Phase 2 Days 11-14
Taking the MNS C for Control of Appetite, Thermoplus, Catalyst and CarbeasePlus  for my daily routine of vitamin intake and also received advice from Jamie and Lori as well.

I continued with the same menu options
I have introduced occasionally roasted red potatoes with oregano, garlic, pepper)

You can introduce whole wheat back into your diet (I would suggest in moderation)
Light Mozzarella cheese (in moderation)

So I say that to say Ben and I found a place in Athens called Your Pie, a 10inch personal pizza  this is my splurge meal on a Saturday occasionally and only a few slices of it, whole wheat dough, roasted garlic olive oil for base, light mozzarella, spinach, roasted red and green peppers with red onions. 
The reason I say splurge occasionally of personal preference I know that if I am too strict on myself that I could get frustrated all together and then possibly even drive Ben crazy, haha, we don’t want to do that.

I have not added salt to anything that I am getting ready to eat, so that being said I have introduced different spices to my dishes, which I have to be careful about for Ben because he likes spicy foods but in moderation.  I could eat spicy all the time.
After 3 or 4 days I was already noticing a difference within.  I felt so much better at first I was hesitant because I was like I can’t go without salt soda etc. But soon I realized in those days that I have not wanted or was even looking for these things. 

I have been on Advocare for  46 days now and am still continuing on this new healthier lifestyle for me, my marriage, and our daughter Amaya.  I lost a total of 29 lbs and counting.

In addition to the weight loss I have even saved approximately $50-100 from not eating fast food and the grocery bill has even dropped. 

I originally signed on as a distributor for the automatic 20% discount for the product for myself.  I soon realized that the results I have been getting and the increased energy during my day; didn't want to just hold it to myself.  I want to be able to share how AdvoCare has changed my life and want to be apart of other friends and families journey as well, near and far.

I am forever grateful for my Aunt Janie for the introduction to AdvoCare and for Jamie mentoring me through AdvoCare. 
Since I have been on this journey of a healthier new lifestyle I don’t want to just keep it to myself I want others to benefit as well.  If you would like to know more on how to jump on board  to feel and see the results for yourself, please leave a comment or email me at scranton.heather@gmail.com


Maternity Leave is coming to an end, its bitter sweet.

From the moment I heard our Sweet Amaya’s cry my heart, ears, and eyes were captured; she has been the sweetest gift I have been given.  God gave us the privilege and honor of being her parents and my hope and prayer is that we are directed by His Truth daily. 
Amaya has grown so much with all the adjustments of learning things for the first time it amazes me daily.  Learning something for the first time is beyond wonder; her eyes connect with the smallest things from the crocheted blanket that hangs on our couch, to her tiny hand that cuts across the corner of her eye and moves her blanket, with her eyes adjusting to the so many lights, shadows and colors how I would love to be able to see what she sees through her eyes.  The learning that I get to embrace is her many cries the cries of needing to be changed, to being hungry, just wanting to be held, being too cold or too hot, fighting sleep, and even the unknown for the first time and getting the hang of it.  Her cries are too cute from having big alligator tears to having no tears at all and have realized the magic of the cry. “When I cry I am attended too in some way”, its mommy and daddy on speed dial, without the technology. Though if I go to the other room I have her phone “the baby monitor” with me and no it’s not attached to the hip but more like attached to my ear and awaiting when she needs to be looked upon.
It is a bittersweet end to this leave though my heart is at peace to know that she will be looked over by her daddy who she has wrapped around his little finger.  Most of the time she thinks it’s play time with daddy with his caring voice that speaks beauty into her life while holding her head and one and her little body in the other as he brings up and down, a light bounce but her eyes are amazed and she is just inhaling in all that she sees when she is in his hands.  It warms my heart to be in the other room and come in to see them bonding and the love he has for his sweetly beautiful daughter is just priceless.
 As I go to work I know in all of us it will be an adjustment.  I pray that the Lord watch over our family, may He fill each of us with Peace, Hope, Joy and Love as we adjust.  Thankfully I am only 5.5 seconds away from home okay more like 2-3 minutes but it’s a hope a skip and maybe a little bit of a jump.  So I will get to run home for lunch and get to see Our Sweet Amaya for a bit.
Sweet Sweet Smiles this Mommy has for her Sweet Amaya!!!


Our Sweet Amaya

It all started 9 months ago it felt like yesterday we found out we were pregnant and now we hold our Sweetly Beautiful Gift from God a true Miracle in our arms. God gave us a gift that words cannot truly describe the full amount of this gift but through each second, minute, hour, day we get to see our Sweet Amaya’s story unravel before our eyes.
So October 27th I went into the hospital to be induced to have my water broken and was in labor from 10:45am to Midnight that evening.  Where I didn’t progress and dilate like they had wanted me to do even upping the Pitocin I was on to bring on labor. And Our Sweet girl didn’t want to drop she was still sitting high against my rib cage.  So when asked we can go several more hours through labor and I could dilate a cm an hour and that would been an additional 6 hours I was already tired and just didn’t see myself having the strength to deliver her naturally.  So Ben and I made the decision to go through with the C-Section so that Mommy and Baby could be healthy and as pain free as possible.
They whisked me away after prepping me for the C-Section, as I laid there Ben was then brought in to sit with me as we awaited Our Sweet Amaya.  There was pressure, a push, a pull her head was brought out, her shoulder and then I heard the Sweetest Cry as she began to cry all I could do was begin to cry with her and Thank God for Her Sweet Arrival.
 October 28, 2011 at 1:24am Amaya Scranton entered the world to make her mark to unravel her story weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and 19 inches. 

We found out why she hadn’t dropped and even if I went through trying to have her naturally we still would have ended up having a C-Section. She was sitting “Indian Style”. She truly loves crossing her legs and always wanting either a hand or foot out from under blanket.
They brought her to me to see her Sweetly Beautiful Face and gave her kiss and she was taken to be cleaned up and examined as they finished with me.  When I was brought into the recovery room Ben was standing there with Our Sweet Amaya in his arms. What an Amazing Sight to See.  I was then able to embrace our Sweet Daughter in my Arms holding her in the womb and now actually holding her in my arms.  I can’t even describe how much love that we have for her but I understand more and more the meaning of unconditional love.
The days have been amazing seeing her blossom and grow is just amazing, moving her head side to side, speak to us the only way she can is through her cries and eyes and we get to learn what she is saying to us.  She exudes Peace, Love, Beauty, Hope, Delight, Adventure, and so much more.
We were completely grateful  with all the support we had from all the staff at the hospital the nurses were so Sweet and Attentive, giving me Advice and answering all the millions of questions we had; I couldn’t ask for a  better experience. 
We were very proud parents to introduce her to family and friends and send pictures to those that couldn’t be there.

Our Sweet Amaya has stolen our hearts and We are Truly Blessed to have the Honor of being her Parents!!!
Sweet Sweet Smiles ;>)


Our Sweetly Beautiful Daughter's Name!!!

We would like to announce Our Daughter's Name...But first here's a little bit of how the name came to play.

We were running through name options with one another and that every one that came to mind just wasn't a sure fit although some very nice names with some great meanings. Then there were ones that names sounded great and looked up the meaning and the meaning did not do the name justice.

So a week ago June 3, 2011 when Ben and I found out that we were having a girl the search for a girls name began, we had dinner at my mom's that weekend and going over some names with her and mentioned that we didn't think her name would start with an A. Any who.

So we got home after that weekend looking up names on the Internet and looking up there meanings and so fourth...the one letter that we kept going to was in fact the A, go figure.
So after a week and half we finally found the name that Our Sweetly Beautiful Girl will be called and named. We definitely have felt that this name is hers and chosen by us with Our Sweet Heavenly Fathers guidance.

Her name means Night Rain in Japanese...Didn't you know that Ben and I speak Japanese!! Nah Just Kidding, but absolutely love the name...I haven't quite shared the name just yet because I want to give a little back ground on why we have chosen this name.

Before Ben and I began dating we had met at a Small Group called Tribe where we were sitting there talking over several weeks within the group and rain was mentioned and I just sighed and was stating that I just love the smell of the rain and how calm it makes me...So any who a couple weeks had passed and we were sitting in group again and Ben was telling me about his adventure that past weekend. Where he and the guys that he worked with went hiking and camping and one of the nights it had been raining and they all were in there tents going to sleep that night and as it was raining a breeze swept within his tent and the scent of rain overwhelmed his senses and then mentioning to me that it made him think of me.... I about burst... "Ben thought of me" was running through my head and so that one evening with the rain, was one reason why are story is continuing to be written.

And this is why the name has so much meaning to us and is part of an amazing love and story...

We are please to Announce Her Sweetly Beautiful Name .... Amaya Scranton!!!

Continue to lift us up in Prayer as we prepare to be Parents that have been Called by Our Sweet Heavenly Father Parents to Our Precious Amaya!!!


We're Going to Haiti/Our First Meeting

We're Going to Haiti!!!

We got the email that we have been 2 out of 10 people chosen to go and we are so over joyed to have the opportunity to go to Haiti.   We don't exactly know what we will be doing when we go but our hearts are being prepared as each day goes by. Preparing our hearts to serve the people of Haiti, to loving them well, to sharing our stories, but most of all to hearing their stories and connecting and making relationships with the people of Haiti and in doing so that they will see the Love of God and we will see the Love of God through them and all around the people of Haiti.  

Our first Meeting was January 16 where we were able to meet the team; some of the people we have never met and then there were some we knew.  All a Sweetly Beautiful Team/Body. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of them and their stories as we prepare as a whole to go to Haiti.  Our first meeting consisted of sharing a little bit about our selves ... I was completely flustered stumbling and fumbling all words nerves, excitement and skipping every other word because my mind was trying to go in  overdrive and get it all out there ... got a bit of a chuckle and was able to continue.  Our Team Leader is Tracy C whose heart is welcoming and inviting, Co-Leader Kerry G. though she was missed at the first meeting we will get to hear her heart and her stories because she has just arrived back from Haiti, and the rest of the team is Melissa F whose heart is of gold she is genuine kind and just a Sweetly Beautiful Sister in Christ, Julie H who is also a Sweetly Beautiful Lady who has a compassionate heart with warmth and love to give, Me, my husband Ben whose a one of a kindhearted Man of God with such wisdom and strength that is so compassionate and easy to be around, Ryan S who was also missed but is true genuine kind loving who is funny and great to be around, Tyler G who is a man of worship kind spirited and great to be around as well, Chris L. who has an eye for photography and heart for missions.  It is so cool how God hand picked each one of us as a piece of the puzzle. Our next meeting is January 30th and we get to continue to grow as a body.

As the preparations take momentum we ask for God to equip us with the tools, His Truth, Love, Guidance, Wisdom, Protection, Understanding, Prayer and Financial Support for He is our Provider and we Put Our Trust in Him. To become more disciplined daily and obedient to Gods Truth; through prayer, seeking Him, journaling and trusting with complete Faith.To begin to strengthen ourselves as  individuals and as a body. For us to pray for the people we will soon meet and give us the opportunity to share the Love of God and also for us to see the Love of God who is already there doing His work.

We don't know exactly what we will be doing but the possibilities are anywhere from VBS opportunities, Building/Construction opportunities, and being apart of a making difference. To Sharing, Laughing, Doing Life, and Hearing their stories and hearts.

I am forever Grateful for the opportunity that God has given myself and Ben to go Haiti. For God you are Author and we get to unravel our story that You Lord have already written for us ... For You will be Glorified and Exalted before we even step foot in Haiti ... For You Go Before Us All!!!

"and provide for those who grieve in Zion-- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor." Isa 61:3

Sweet Sweet Smiles ;>)


Fall Season 2010 Small Group

This Fall Season during small group has been truly amazing...Where to begin?

I am forever grateful for the opportunity of being an apprentice this season to a with a Sweetly Beautiful Leader Julia K. whom I Love Dearly a Sister in Christ.  Thank you Lord Almighty for the Sweetly Beautiful Ladies that you brought into Julia and I's small group. At first I had so many anxious thoughts running through my head at the beginning of the first night but as soon as I walked into the room that we would be doing life with one another and Experiencing God as Sisters in Christ.  We have had many memories that will last a life time with lots of love given, laughs had, sweet tears shed, and all the unique stories we experienced as individuals and as a body. I personally learned a lot this season from each and everyone of the ladies, though some came and went I learned a lot from each of them.  We were able to lift one another up with prayer, words of affirmation, encouragement and in Truth.  We were able to dive deep into some great Truth and ask some questions that some may think never to ask or even have the courage to ask. But we were all able to hear with open hearts and eyes to see the truth.  I have never been more proud of these ladies, they let walls down and were able to share there hearts.  We definitely enjoyed the testimony sleepover each of their stories were Sweetly Beautiful and to see God through each step, each laugh, each tear He Truly was There and every situation. Each story was a Story of Redemption, Victory, Healing, Restoration, Accomplishment, Worth, An Emptiness Made Whole....A Reflection of where they had been and where they are going...It only gets better with God as there Foundation. 
The things that I learned from these ladies was so encouraging. I learned to what it means to truly seek God when doubt seeps in, how to truly surrender and let go of me being in control and letting God take the Reigns, to loving Him first to then loving myself to loving others well, to forgiving another, the meaning of serving someone other than myself, to letting go of the selfishness that always tries to take reigns in my life, to even leading another its not always what you say but what your actions are, what your reaction is, to even how you treat your family.
As the season was ending I had the question continue to linger within as to how easy is it to love a complete stranger well and to how much work it takes to love the closest people to you. Love is a Choice. I Choose to Love as how God chose to love me. He loves me at my worst and my best. What an Amazing God I have. I am truly blessed to have a relationship with Him who gave me laugh and is continuing to write my story and loving the adventure of finding out what has been written.
I am forever changed and truly blessed to have been apart of an amazing Sweetly Beautiful Group.
My Heart is overwhelmed with emotion. Thank you So much to all of these Sweetly Beautiful Ladies
Julia K., Alex G, Sarah R, Lauren W, Sarah W, Lindsy V, Abbey S, Ashley S, Becca O, Collen O', Leah C, Mariela J
Thank You Sweet Heavenly Father for each of them and their hearts. I am forever grateful!!!