
Vulnerability...Heart Opened

Wow...Vulnerability...heart opened...although being vulnerable first thing in the morning can flow many ways...sweet, joyful, peaceful, loved, sad, angry, anxious, doubtful...the days that I wake up in an unpleasant mood is never fun...i notice that my first reaction especially if someone is talking to me is unattached...not focused...short..annoyed...i then have to take a few steps back and realize that no one put me in that mood and so i retreat within, maybe not retreat from the room pursue, but have to retreat and gather my thoughts grasp on the            
mood, the fruit, and start from the top and travel down the root of the fruit...while on that process of finding out        the truth of the fruit...its unexplainable but i will give it a whorl...while on that process there is a questions...and what do questions lead you too...which is truth and  i absolutely love questions getting to know the answer, the Truth...
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8
... So Sweet This Is..
...so the questions I ask myself are:
Why am I feeling the way I am feeling? What was the trigger? How did I get to this place? 
when asking these questions i find myself from within opening as light is shinning bright warming up those areas, that as i am exploring every inch of the root or roots of my mood, at times maybe its one root of a fruit but most of the time its the deepest root of the fruit that is in the depths
...as i can notice my heart being opened i am aware of my vulnerability and i then am able to find the truth find the end to the root...now at times when getting  rid of a root you pull it however I have found that yeah the roots pulled “i am happy go-lucky girl”..sike...not even close..so with questioning why am i feeling this way? i find out what seed was planted  it can be any seed...a seed of: loneliness, bitterness, guilt, anger, doubt, fear, anxiousness, unresolved issues, not forgiving...whatever it maybe it grows if you don’t tend to the seed because it was planted but its what you do with it when you notice that it has fallen do you just bury it deeper or do you take that seed and shower it with truth with understanding and keep showering with truth tending to the seed of which it may be...when discovering what the seed is...is key to the root and you can begin to tend and take care and in seasons to come it will bloom into the redemption of where you once were and are able to share with others.
So others are able to tend to their seeds that were planted prior to truth, after stumbling...Diving into the Depths of God’s Heart and building a Relationship with Him is a Sweetly Intimate Way of Him showing Us How He Works and the Tools He Gives us is Awesome to unravel and able to figure out.
       So from the beginning from this excerpt was the thought “oh Sweet Mornings its amazing how in the morning as i wake i feel more vulnerable, my heart opened...So Sweet You Are My Creator!! Why Is That?”
So I have this to say after processing through these thoughts and As i end i have to say at the beginning of this I wanted to get the thought of how sweet and opened and vulnerable i was feeling and it was a sweet vulnerability  of love and warmth and  as i am writing i am  reminded and in reflection of how i got to where i am and able to use the tools that i have been given and also share with others what God has and is Doing within me.