
A Voice

My Hearts Breaks,

Breaks for those that are lost running the other direction into arms of drugs, alcohol, guys, hate, anger, pushing those that  care about them away; to only be isolated and alone, trapped in their own suffering trying to fight their way out to only go deeper into a dark and cold dungeon with no warmth no love no security no comfort no effort no willingness...destruction. It really tears my heart to listen to story after story of the brokenness and how lost those can get. Thinking they are running into safety and a blanket of protection or a self medicating protection or a blanket to repel others away with or a blanket of thinking that this is a way to be loved by another. Or those that are broken who are that once had their innocence to only be stolen by another and not by their choice and to have their voice taken from them. Stripped of who they were by not their choice, but by another's hands, by their words, by their actions, by their abandonment. They have lost  their identity and replaced it with rejection, defeat, unworthy, betrayed, taken advantage of, shattered, shamed, guilty, deserted...My Heart Breaks and ask myself Why? Why does this happen not only to the  victim, but by the person that is doing this, "what happened to them, what made them do this as well?"

My heart continues to break for those that are the victims and those that do the cruel and harsh things that people just don't want to see or even talk about and what goes on maybe even at their neighbors house. It breaks my heart to look at the children's eyes and just see brokenness and have experienced things that at that age they can never even wrap their eyes around not alone their emotions. Or figure out that their voice and choice that they have has been taken from them at  a young age or at any age for that matter.

In this spiraling downward spiral of being victims we have a choice to voice and  encourage those that feel stripped of their voice that they can stand firm and Voice their hearts cry. To not be quiet and let a day go by where this isn't being talked about and making others aware that it does go on at your next door neighbors, it happened to the little child at the grocery store, the little child at the park, the little child on the baseball field, on the soccer field, the little child in the bleachers, the child in the car next to you....It happens to more neighbors in your neighborhood, next door, in your town, city, state inside the United States as much as it happens outside of the country or just maybe in your family.  It just isn't spoken about, because some don't want to admit it or be blinded by it because one may feel it's better to not see it so you don't become affected by what goes on.

We all have voices and all want to be heard so why not help Voice your Heart for those that haven't yet or just don't know how to because they never knew that they have one. A VOICE!!!

I have the privilege of working at the front office for a psychologist who works with the young and love to see the transformation that takes place from their first visit to the ones after to overcoming and walking through the trenches that most of us may never go through but to see them transform and grow to hear and know that they have A Voice!!!  When they walk in the building and am greeted with a smile and can see in their eyes that they feel safe and a place of comfort to be themselves. To when she walks out to greet the child to have them run to her and give her a hug and can't wait to tell her about what they did that day and enjoy the time they have while they are there. 

I am so honored and grateful that God provided me with this job and the opportunity to be a part of an environment (because I am the person that greets the children and parents first prior to seeing her) to make sure they feel welcomed with no judgements.
And after meeting with her, they have help expressing their Voice in a healthy way!!

A Voice!!!!