
Our Sweet Amaya

It all started 9 months ago it felt like yesterday we found out we were pregnant and now we hold our Sweetly Beautiful Gift from God a true Miracle in our arms. God gave us a gift that words cannot truly describe the full amount of this gift but through each second, minute, hour, day we get to see our Sweet Amaya’s story unravel before our eyes.
So October 27th I went into the hospital to be induced to have my water broken and was in labor from 10:45am to Midnight that evening.  Where I didn’t progress and dilate like they had wanted me to do even upping the Pitocin I was on to bring on labor. And Our Sweet girl didn’t want to drop she was still sitting high against my rib cage.  So when asked we can go several more hours through labor and I could dilate a cm an hour and that would been an additional 6 hours I was already tired and just didn’t see myself having the strength to deliver her naturally.  So Ben and I made the decision to go through with the C-Section so that Mommy and Baby could be healthy and as pain free as possible.
They whisked me away after prepping me for the C-Section, as I laid there Ben was then brought in to sit with me as we awaited Our Sweet Amaya.  There was pressure, a push, a pull her head was brought out, her shoulder and then I heard the Sweetest Cry as she began to cry all I could do was begin to cry with her and Thank God for Her Sweet Arrival.
 October 28, 2011 at 1:24am Amaya Scranton entered the world to make her mark to unravel her story weighing in at 7lbs 14oz and 19 inches. 

We found out why she hadn’t dropped and even if I went through trying to have her naturally we still would have ended up having a C-Section. She was sitting “Indian Style”. She truly loves crossing her legs and always wanting either a hand or foot out from under blanket.
They brought her to me to see her Sweetly Beautiful Face and gave her kiss and she was taken to be cleaned up and examined as they finished with me.  When I was brought into the recovery room Ben was standing there with Our Sweet Amaya in his arms. What an Amazing Sight to See.  I was then able to embrace our Sweet Daughter in my Arms holding her in the womb and now actually holding her in my arms.  I can’t even describe how much love that we have for her but I understand more and more the meaning of unconditional love.
The days have been amazing seeing her blossom and grow is just amazing, moving her head side to side, speak to us the only way she can is through her cries and eyes and we get to learn what she is saying to us.  She exudes Peace, Love, Beauty, Hope, Delight, Adventure, and so much more.
We were completely grateful  with all the support we had from all the staff at the hospital the nurses were so Sweet and Attentive, giving me Advice and answering all the millions of questions we had; I couldn’t ask for a  better experience. 
We were very proud parents to introduce her to family and friends and send pictures to those that couldn’t be there.

Our Sweet Amaya has stolen our hearts and We are Truly Blessed to have the Honor of being her Parents!!!
Sweet Sweet Smiles ;>)