
Fall Season 2010 Small Group

This Fall Season during small group has been truly amazing...Where to begin?

I am forever grateful for the opportunity of being an apprentice this season to a with a Sweetly Beautiful Leader Julia K. whom I Love Dearly a Sister in Christ.  Thank you Lord Almighty for the Sweetly Beautiful Ladies that you brought into Julia and I's small group. At first I had so many anxious thoughts running through my head at the beginning of the first night but as soon as I walked into the room that we would be doing life with one another and Experiencing God as Sisters in Christ.  We have had many memories that will last a life time with lots of love given, laughs had, sweet tears shed, and all the unique stories we experienced as individuals and as a body. I personally learned a lot this season from each and everyone of the ladies, though some came and went I learned a lot from each of them.  We were able to lift one another up with prayer, words of affirmation, encouragement and in Truth.  We were able to dive deep into some great Truth and ask some questions that some may think never to ask or even have the courage to ask. But we were all able to hear with open hearts and eyes to see the truth.  I have never been more proud of these ladies, they let walls down and were able to share there hearts.  We definitely enjoyed the testimony sleepover each of their stories were Sweetly Beautiful and to see God through each step, each laugh, each tear He Truly was There and every situation. Each story was a Story of Redemption, Victory, Healing, Restoration, Accomplishment, Worth, An Emptiness Made Whole....A Reflection of where they had been and where they are going...It only gets better with God as there Foundation. 
The things that I learned from these ladies was so encouraging. I learned to what it means to truly seek God when doubt seeps in, how to truly surrender and let go of me being in control and letting God take the Reigns, to loving Him first to then loving myself to loving others well, to forgiving another, the meaning of serving someone other than myself, to letting go of the selfishness that always tries to take reigns in my life, to even leading another its not always what you say but what your actions are, what your reaction is, to even how you treat your family.
As the season was ending I had the question continue to linger within as to how easy is it to love a complete stranger well and to how much work it takes to love the closest people to you. Love is a Choice. I Choose to Love as how God chose to love me. He loves me at my worst and my best. What an Amazing God I have. I am truly blessed to have a relationship with Him who gave me laugh and is continuing to write my story and loving the adventure of finding out what has been written.
I am forever changed and truly blessed to have been apart of an amazing Sweetly Beautiful Group.
My Heart is overwhelmed with emotion. Thank you So much to all of these Sweetly Beautiful Ladies
Julia K., Alex G, Sarah R, Lauren W, Sarah W, Lindsy V, Abbey S, Ashley S, Becca O, Collen O', Leah C, Mariela J
Thank You Sweet Heavenly Father for each of them and their hearts. I am forever grateful!!!