
Inspired by Sweet Amaya

First I want to thank my Sweet Heavenly Father for His Ever Unfailing Love over my life.  He has been by my side from before I was born.  He has written my story for me to have had the joy to unravel and reflect on when I wasn’t aware of His presence.  He has walked me through all of my brokenness and continues to break pieces of me and molds them into such beauty for I couldn’t do it alone. Believe me I have tried.
God gifted Ben and I with a Sweetly Beautiful Daughter named Amaya, meaning night rain.  Amaya was born on October 28, 2011.  Amaya is sweetly beautiful, peaceful, breathtaking, courageous, determined, a heart of innocence, mostly always smiling.  A sweet joy she is. 

As I have witnessed Amaya’s growth each day she has an eye of new discoveries.  When Amaya see’s something new;  you can see the Awe in her eyes.    She startles to the unknown only to embrace the unknown in one breath.  Her focus and attention is so absorbent like a sponge.  When Amaya discovers a new way to do things it’s a sweet victory that she is covered in.  At times she gets frustrated because what she had her heart set on; her body was not ready, she is patient.  She works through her frustration without fail, she discovers in her own way how to achieve her heart’s desire. She’s determined.  She doesn’t give up; she tries harder.
 I look at the words I have written above and then have read them aloud and I see God clothing her as His child!!! He is wrapping her in His Truth before she can even whisper and say His name aloud.  Though I know she hears His Sweet Voice, so tenderly speaking to her  guiding and encouraging her daily.
God has opened my eyes to so much Truth as I watch Amaya grow.  Amaya has inspired me to be opened to new discoveries, to challenge myself within and even on the outside, to focus and to be attentive to my surroundings, to be adventurous, to have the determination when it may be frustrating and I feel as though I want to give up, to have victory, and to achieve my heart’s desire.

Amaya has also inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle than I once did and so that I could give to her what she has inspired me to do. 
There are days that I have wanted to give up on the  goals that I have set for myself; however I am inspired to never give up and to always get back up when I fall, to never doubt myself, and to be positive of one’s thoughts. 

I know we as parents think that we are to be the teachers but it is our children that are to teach us at times to help us reflect on what matter which are the relationships that we make as a family, as individuals and as a community.

Thank you Sweet Heavenly Father for showing me how you love us and how so sweet you speak to us and encourage us!!!

Sweet Sweet Smiles ;>)

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